Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Wednesday is one of those days that can set the tone for the rest of your week. Monday really gets you in and then Tuesday is really just a day however will take you up or down.  So even though it's Happy Hour, let's put some energy back into your day with a little pep.  Time to refocus your goals for this week.



  1. A strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.
  2. Desire and determination to achieve success.
Now not everyone will have this in their cabinet or glass. Oftentimes it is something that is already in you. You have goals, dreams that you want to reach for and with a determined mindset you will stop at nothing to get it  Most times they have to be refocused or readjusted in order to get to where you are trying to go. 


Vision Board.  This is a board that you make to put things that you want or goals that you want to reach.  On this you can dream as big as your hearts desire.  However you must put a date on it and write it in permanent marker. That way you will make sure that you complete this task.

Journal. You will need to write down your thoughts and what you want to accomplish everyday. I know, it's tedious. However once you get the hang of it and really start doing it, it will be a breeze.

Goal Charting. Now this can be included in your journal (as I do). What I do is write it down everyday with the expiratioin date until it happens. I don't care how many times I have to writeand rewrite I do it.  And when it happens, I stop.

Your mouth. Speak it into exsistence.

Mind.Your mind must only produce the 2 P's: POSITIVTY AND PRODUCTIVITY. No matter what anyone says, you must believe it for yourself. There will be people who won't believe in you, who will think you are crazy. But guess what?? They are the non-factor. Are they one your vision board, journal or goals? Nope. So let them be who they are while you push to your zenith.


This part was actually very easy. I like to do my vision board, jurnal and goal charting while I am at home. So in honor of the Vikki's Secret Semi-Annual Sale, pajamas are the attire for today.  Why? When you are comfortable and relaxed, you mind can think free and clearly.  Perch up on a chaise or in the middle of your bed and let your mind just go. The bathtub is also a great place to write. And just because you are writing in solitude doesn't mean you can't be cute while doing it.

The Semi-Annual Sale started yesterday. Yes, I was in the mall at 8:00AM!! However the nice pajamas are on sale on the website at up to 35% off. 

So I hope that this inspired you this morning to get up and do something amazingly GRANDTASTIC with your days and the rest of your life.  If you are in the beauty industry and need some more added inspiration get in contact with Ungenita Prevost and Natasha Caesar. Invest in yourself with some primetime business coaching.


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